Whether you’re sporty or not, sports idioms are extremely common in the business world. Here are some of the most common ones. Check out the meanings and examples and start using them both at work and in your everyday life and download our free guide with 70+ idioms you need to know for work.
1) Let’s get the ball rolling!
Meaning: Let’s start!
Sport: Soccer
Let’s get the ball rolling and start with the list!
Who would like to get the ball rolling? (=Who would like to have the first word?)
2) A game changer
Meaning: A new idea or event that makes a significant change in the way things are done.
Sport: Any sport
The new parking system is a game changer.
When it comes to transport, the invention of the wheel was a real game changer.
3) To be on the ball
Meaning: To be aware and quick to take action.
Sport: Soccer or baseball
I didn’t sleep well last night, and I’m not really on the ball today.
The new candidate has to be someone who is really on the ball.
4) To know the score
Meaning: To understand and accept the reality of the situation, or to know the facts.
Sport: Any sport
I know the score -my job could be easily replaced in the future by Artificial Intelligence.
You know the score, we can’t afford a big house right now.
5) To get a kick out of something
Meaning: To get a feeling of enjoyment, amusement or excitement from something.
Sport: Soccer (presumably)
I always get a kick out of watching stand-up comedy.
She got a kick out of seeing her book published.
6) To take sides
Meaning: To choose one person or party whom you support, defend or agree with in an argument.
Sport: Any sport
The argument has nothing to do with me, so I refuse to take sides.
When they passed the new law, the citizens were quick to takes sides.
7) To watch from the sidelines
Meaning: To be in a position where you are not directly involved.
Sport: Any sport
Every time I am in trouble, you never support me. You just watch from the sidelines!
The Government should start doing something, they can’t continue to watch from the sidelines.
8) To score an own goal
Meaning: Something that you do that gives you disadvantage and helps someone else.
Sport: Soccer
Their speech was supposed to get them more supporters, but they actually scored an own goal once they started ranting off-topic.
The president thought the new law would be beneficial for his party, but it has generated such strong opposition, that it has become an own goal.
9) To move the goalposts
Meaning: To unfairly change the rules or conditions of a procedure during its course.
Sport: Soccer
You always do the same. As soon as I start winning the argument, you just move the goalposts on the whole thing!
Every time I meet the required conditions, they seem to move the goalposts.
10) At this stage of the game
Meaning: At this point, or at a certain point in a process.
Sport: Any sport
There is nothing we can do at this stage of the game, we should have started before.
I’m not sure we’re ready to launch the product at this stage of the game.
11) A whole new ballgame
Meaning: A completely different situation, often one that is difficult or that you know little about.
Sport: Baseball (presumably)
We’d done a lot of small in-person events but that massive convention was a whole new ballgame.
We feel confident in European countries, but the United States is a while new ballgame.
12) To throw in the towel
Meaning: To quit in defeat.
Sport: Boxing, where a fighter indicates surrender by throwing a towel into the ring.
He was fired, but he never threw in the towel and ended up getting a great job.
I know perfecting your English is hard, but don’t throw in the towel. It will be worth it.
13) To touch base
Meaning: To make quick contact with someone.
Sport: Baseball
I just wanted to touch base and make sure you hadn’t changed your mind about seeing me.
I just wanted to quickly touch base with you: did you get an email from my secretary about the meeting?
14) The ball is in your court
Meaning: It’s your turn to make a decision or do something.
Sport: Tennis
I’ve done what I can. Now the ball is in your court.
Everybody in this company will support you if you decide to move to another country but the ball is in your court if you decide to change your mind at the last minute.
I’ve already told you that Talaera is a super cool option to learn English, but now the ball is in your court.
15) To call the shots
Meaning: To make the decisions.
Sport: Billiards
While the CEO is on maternity leave, Anna will call the shots.
I fully trust your judgement -you can call the shots here.
16) It’s a long shot
Meaning: An attempt or guess with very small chance of succeeding or being accurate.
Sport: Basketball or golf
I know it’s a long shot, because there are many candidates, but I’m going to apply for the manager’s job.
It’s a long shot, but well worth trying.
17) Front runner
Meaning: The person that is leading in a race or other competition and is expected to win.
Sport: Track
Don’t say anything, but you are a front runner for the new regional manager position.
She’s the front runner for the presidential nomination.
18) (Hit) below the belt
Meaning: To do or say something that is unfair or cruel.
Sport: Boxing; martial arts
He’s usually a great negotiator, but those comments hit below the belt.
Their lawyers are ruthless; they always hit below the belt.
19) Out of someone’s league
Meaning: Someone or something is too good or expensive for someone to have.
Sport: Any sport
Becoming their global partners would be a dream come true, but they’re out of our league.
In the advanced English class I felt completely out of my league but the upper intermediate class has been perfect.
Are we missing any? Tell us in the comments.
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At this stage of the game, we know the score – it’s easier to just watch from the sidelines and do nothing, but seriously, we always get a kick out of seeing your comments and likes on LinkedIn, so get the ball rolling and pay us a visit!
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